加号,正号(+) A plus sign is the sign + which is put between two numbers in order to show that the second number is being added to the first. It can also be put before a number to show that the number is greater than zero (+3), and after a number to indicate a number that is more than a minimum number or amount (18+).
The plus sign is used in addition and the minus is used in subtraction. 加号用于加法;减号用于减法。
Click the plus sign (+). 点击加号(+)。
An integer literal, followed by a plus sign, followed by another integer literal. 一个整数文字,后面跟一个加号,再跟另一个整数文字。
AND gate: If the gate has a plus sign inside it, it combines two paths. ANDgate:如果gate中有一个加号,它就用于会合两条流。
You can get documents containing both words by entering the plus sign as the word prefix. 也可以通过输入加号作为单词前缀来获得包含了这两个单词的文档。
A plus sign (+) denotes a class or static method. 正号(+)表明一个类或静态方法。
A plus sign (+) means that you can press F4 to see a list of options. 加号(+)表示可以按F4查看选项列表。
You can use a plus sign before the option to disable it. 可以在选项前使用加号(+)将其禁用。
You can highlight any table and then click the plus sign to create a filter condition. 您可以选择任何一个数据表,并且点击“加号”来创建一个过滤条件。
Indeed, the plus sign enhancement discussed previously helps reduce the number of open models in your environment. 的确,前面所讨论的加号增强帮助减少了环境中的开放模型的数量。
When you are finished, click the+ ( plus sign) button, and then select Done. 当您完成之后,点击+(加号)按钮,然后选择Done。
You can distinguish a calculated field from an integer by the inclusion of the plus sign (+) as the first character. 您可以在第一个字符上添加加号(+)来区分一个计算得到的域与整数。
The plus sign was added to the name later, when the tool kit gained object-oriented features and extensibility. 当这个工具包获得了面向对象特性和可扩展性之后,才在名称后面加上了一个加号。
The plus sign at the end means "match one or more of the last thing"( the asterisk is for" zero or more", and the question-mark is for "zero or one"). 结尾处的加号表示“查找最后字符串的一个或多个匹配”(星号表示“零个或多个”,问号表示“零个或一个”)。
Expand to entry> content> row> custid by clicking on the+ symbol ( plus sign). 通过单击+符号(加号)展开entry>content>row>custid。
This means that an expression can take any of several forms; for instance, a variable, a plus sign, and a number could be an expression. 这意味着表达式可以是几种格式中的任意一种;例如,一个变量、一个加号或者一个数字都可以是一个表达式。
You multiply them, all three,+ and that's a plus sign. 把这三个都相乘,符号为。
Which is great, because now things work out, because this becomes a plus sign. 很好因为现在现在东西都出来了,这里变成了正号。
You may need to click the plus sign next to the folder to reveal its contents. 您可能需要单击文件夹旁边的加号展开该文件夹以显示其内容。
Oh, by the way, this is not a minus* This is a plus sign and this is a minus sign. 顺便,这不是负号。,这是一个正号,这才是负号。
Click the plus sign to the left of the record for the Bulbs category. 单击鳞茎植物类别的记录左侧的加号。
Your program name must not contain a comma(,) or a plus sign (+). 您的程序名称不得包含逗号(,)和加号(+)。
Click the plus sign to expand the table element. 单击加号展开表元素。
Each time you click on the plus sign it will duplicate whatever color you currently have selected. 每次您按一下加号,将重复什么颜色您目前选定的。
If it is preceded by a plus sign, it indicates that the feature may be partially implemented. 如果是之前,一个加号,它表示该功能可能会部分实施。
To view the contents of a closed folder, click on the plus sign. 若要查看已关闭文件夹的内容,请单击加号。
Notice the difference: there's a plus sign here; there's a minus sign here. 注意这里的不同:,上面是加号,这里是减号。
This is a plus sign. 这一项是正号。
Create a plus sign made from two overlapping line shape. 创建一个加号线由两个重叠的形状制成。
Click the plus sign next to solutions. 单击“解决方案”旁的加号。